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Brand Marketing

I write compelling copy that drives brand recognition and meets customers and audiences where they are. I've worked with over 30 brands to create targeted digital promotions, branded content articles, and social media content strategies.

Brands I've worked with.

Marketing Logo Garden.png


As a copywriter for T-Mobile's T Studios, the telecommunication company's in-house creative agency, I worked on the web team to enhance digital narratives and drive a seamless customer experience for both T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile customers. 

Social Media

IN Kansas City

As manager of IN Kansas City's social channels, I built a social media strategy that focused on community engagement and reader retention with a goal of getting readers from social media to online content.


  • My strategy identified the publication's strongest platform, Facebook, and led to a 40% increase in audience reach on the platform year over year.

  • I introduced Instagram Reels to the platform's regular content, which resulted in the highest Instagram traffic in the publication's history and a 10% increase in followers year over year.

  • I worked with 30+ brand partners to create targeted sponsored social media posts.  

Supermarket Perimeter

As manager of Supermarket Perimeter's social presence, I developed a social media strategy that focused on industry engagement and established the platform as a go-to source for industry news.

  • I launched Facebook and Twitter platforms for the B2B publication.

  • I targeted the publication's strongest platform, LinkedIn. Starting out, we had 80 followers on LinkedIn, and after 18 months my strategy resulted in a following of over 1,200 LinkedIn industry members.

  • I implemented a content strategy calendar that balanced editorial content that led to website click-throughs and engaging posts that built audience engagement.

Social Media Samples

Download a PDF for samples of my work on social media platforms here.

Smart Phone
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